
Spread Love & Be Amazing.
Answers Posted By (dragon99980)
dragon99980 | 3 months ago

Answer : Mmmm nah :3
dragon99980 | 3 months ago
Message : i hope you stub your toe²

Answer : But why
dragon99980 | 4 months ago
Message : are you a useless idiot who should go kill himself?

Answer : 1. yes 2. HER*self, bozo
dragon99980 | 5 months ago
Message : r u the rizzlord

Answer : THE rizzlord? no, A rizzlord? also no
dragon99980 | 5 months ago
Message : dragon r u a real dragon? 🀨 -bearπŸ—£οΈ

Answer : sadly, no
dragon99980 | 5 months ago
Message : No Bitches?

Answer : NO Maidens?
dragon99980 | 7 months ago
Message : are you a silly little gay guy (sillius!!!)

Answer : yes
dragon99980 | 8 months ago
Message : brick wall

Answer : brick wall. the unstoppable.
dragon99980 | 8 months ago
Message : kill yourself

Answer : nah
dragon99980 | 8 months ago
Message : i hope you have a nice life 😁😁😁😁

Answer : i rlly don't (and probably wont) but u too whoever u are:)
dragon99980 | 9 months ago
Message : to trigger myself anonymously but anonymous does not know the other anonymous's except for one anonymous that I will not know anonymously but directly later it was 498 characters but it didn't let me send this for some reason so here the 2nd part of anonymous that is anonymously typing this

Answer : the hell?
dragon99980 | 9 months ago
Message : Good Game fr, also, w mans for playing osu

Answer : ye ye ggs, same to u
dragon99980 | 10 months ago
Message : i was the one in nashville

Answer : nasshville? thats in tenesse sir/ma'am/other i dont live out there so im confused what that means
dragon99980 | 10 months ago
Message : fuck you. autistic bitch!! fix urself. u suck dick lol SMD gay goofy ah retard I HATE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH

Answer : got anymore to say?
dragon99980 | 10 months ago
Message : Can a nigga get some fry?

Answer : hmmmm, nah
dragon99980 | 10 months ago
Message : Dragon! Dragon! Are you GirlyPop, Dragon?

Answer : wat
dragon99980 | 10 months ago
Message : faggot

Answer : correct
dragon99980 | 10 months ago
Message : Wonder if I can pack this in 500 words heh Honestly when I first Dragon thru a child, and I barely talked to him we played some games time to time that was it tho, then we started playing more and he added me to one of his fgs and introed me to The bitch that shall not be named thru most of 2022 I honestly didn't like him hell I still got his name set as dragshit(just for the funny tho) we were both just being super petty and im glad atleast im over it ty drag (look I had sum words left over!!)

Answer : no problemo brotha, glad through a metric fuck ton of bullshit we can still get along :) (for the most part)
dragon99980 | 10 months ago
Message : nigger

Answer : hm
dragon99980 | 10 months ago
Message : Gay alert

Answer : yep
dragon99980 | 10 months ago
Message : Ur Gae

Answer : Correct
dragon99980 | 10 months ago
Message : i put the new forgis on the jeep

Answer : i trap until the, bloody bottoms is underneath